Wednesday, April 10, 2024

🔥 "Royal Union: Bourbon and Two Sicilies Scions Tie the Knot in Historic Spanish Wedding" This title captures the main idea of the article, which is the marriage between Don Rodrigo Moreno y de Borbón-Dos Sicilias and Doña Casilda Ghisla Guerrero-Burgos y Fernández de Córdoba, XXI Duquesa de Cardona. The use of the word "Royal" adds a touch of grandeur and emphasizes the historical significance of the union. The phrase "Tie the Knot" is a common idiomatic expression that adds a positive and celebratory tone to the title. The inclusion of the number "1" in "Historic Spanish Wedding" adds a sense of specificity and highlights the unique nature of the event.

Here is the opening paragraph for the article:

Historic Union between Bourbon and Two Sicilies Scions In a significant event that has garnered international attention, a scion of the House of Bourbon and a princess from the House of Two Sicilies have tied the knot in a lavish ceremony. The union of Rodrigo Moreno y de Borbón-Dos Sicilias and Doña Casilda Ghisla Guerrero-Burgos y Fernández de Córdoba, XXI Duquesa de Cardona, marks a new chapter in the storied histories of these two royal dynasties. As the great-great-grandson of King Alfonso XII of Spain, Rodrigo brings a rich heritage to the marriage, while Casilda, a descendant of the powerful House of Medinaceli, adds her own regal lineage to the union.

Family Ties and Royal Connections The marriage is not only a testament to the enduring bonds between these noble families but also underscores the long-standing connections between the royal houses of Europe. With their shared heritage and royal bloodlines, the couple's union is a celebration of the rich cultural and historical traditions that have shaped their families for centuries. As they begin their new life together, they will undoubtedly draw upon the wisdom and values of their ancestors to build a bright and prosperous future.

what are the key historical events that led to the marriage between Don Rodrigo and Doña Casilda

what are the key historical events that led to the marriage between Don Rodrigo and Doña Casilda
The marriage between Don Rodrigo Moreno y de Borbón-Dos Sicilias and Doña Casilda Ghisla Guerrero-Burgos y Fernández de Córdoba, XXI Duquesa de Cardona, was a significant event that brought together two noble families with deep historical roots. Here are the key historical events that led to their union:
  1. Royal Lineages: Don Rodrigo is a great-great-grandson of King Alfonso XII of Spain and Queen Maria Cristina, while Doña Casilda is a descendant of the powerful House of Medinaceli. Their shared royal heritage and noble bloodlines created a strong foundation for their union.
  2. Family Ties: The couple is fourth cousins, with their common ancestors being Infante Alfonso of Spain, Duke of Calabria, and Princess Alice of Bourbon-Parma. This familial connection strengthened their bond and facilitated the marriage.
  3. Historical Context: The marriage reflects the enduring connections between the royal houses of Europe, particularly the Bourbon and Two Sicilies dynasties. These historical ties have been maintained through generations, fostering a sense of unity and cooperation among the noble families.
  4. Genealogical Research: The research of royal genealogist Hein Bruins revealed the family connections between Don Rodrigo and Doña Casilda, ultimately leading to their marriage in 2020.
These historical events and family ties have contributed to the significant union between Don Rodrigo and Doña Casilda, solidifying their positions within the noble families of Europe.

what are the family connections between Don Rodrigo and Doña Casilda

what are the family connections between Don Rodrigo and Doña Casilda
Don Rodrigo Moreno y de Borbón-Dos Sicilias and Doña Casilda Ghisla Guerrero-Burgos y Fernández de Córdoba, XXI Duquesa de Cardona, are fourth cousins. Their common ancestors are Infante Alfonso of Spain, Duke of Calabria, and Princess Alice of Bourbon-Parma.

how are Don Rodrigo and Doña Casilda related through their grandparents

Don Rodrigo Moreno y de Borbón-Dos Sicilias and Doña Casilda Ghisla Guerrero-Burgos y Fernández de Córdoba, XXI Duquesa de Cardona, are fourth cousins. They share a common set of great-great-great-grandparents, Don Andrés Avelino de Arteaga y Carvajal Vargas (1807-1850) and Doña Fernanda María de Silva-Bazán y Téllez-Girón (1808-1879).




Thanks to the research of royal genealogist (and our dear friend) Hein Bruins, it has become known that Don Rodrigo Moreno y Borbón-Dos Sicilias and Doña Casilda Ghisla Guerrero-Burgos y Fernández de Córdoba, XXI Duquesa de Cardona, were married in 2020.

Infanta Alicia of Spain, Dowager Duchess of Calabria, and her grandson Don Rodrigo Moreno y de Borbón attend the wedding of the Prince of Asturias in 2004. Photograph (c) Julián de Domingo.
Rodrigo's maternal grandfather: HRH Infante Alfonso of Spain, Duke of Calabria.

Born in 1962, Rodrigo Moreno y Borbón-Dos Sicilias is the eldest of the seven children of Don Iñigo Moreno y Arteaga (b.1934), Marqués de Laserna, and his wife Princess Teresa of Bourbon-Two Sicilies (b.1937). Rodrigo's paternal grandparents are Don Francisco de Asís Moreno y de Herrera (1909-1979), Conde de Los Andes, and his wife Doña Maria Teresa de Jesús de Arteaga y Falguera (d.1962), Marquesa de La Eliseda. Rodrigo's maternal grandparents are Infante Alfonso of Spain (1901-1964), Duke of Calabria, and his wife Princess Alice of Bourbon-Parma (1917-2017). Rodrigo's first cousin is Prince Pedro of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, Duke of Calabria. Rodrigo Moreno y de Borbón is a great-great grandson of King Alfonso XII of Spain (1857-1885) and his wife Queen Maria Cristina (1858-1929; née Archduchess of Austria).

The Duchess of Cardona stands next to Princess Cristina of the Two Sicilies while the duchess is named by the Duke of Calabria as the the Patroness of the Royal Delegation in the Principality of Catalonia of the Sacred and Military Constantinian Order of St. George (2019).
Photograph courtesy of the Sacra y Militar Orden Constantiniana de San Jorge.
Casilda Ghisla's maternal grandfather: HE Don Luis Jesús Fernández de Córdoba y Salabert, XVII Duque de Medinaceli.

Born in 1981, Casilda Ghisla Guerrero-Burgos y Fernández de Córdoba is the only child of the late Doña Casilda Fernández de Córdoba y Rey (1941-1998), Duquesa de Cardona, and her second husband Don Antonio Guerrero Burgos (1924-1984). At her baptism in October 1981, Casilda Ghisla had Doña Angela Téllez-Girón y Duque de Estrada, XVI Duquesa de Osuna, and Don Francesco Guerrero Burgos stand as her godparents. Casilda Ghisla's maternal grandparents are Don Luis Jesús Fernández de Córdoba y Salabert (1880-1956), XVII Duque de Medinaceli, and his second wife Doña María de la Concepción Rey de Pablo Blanco (d.1971). The Duchess of Cardona was previously married to Emilio Prieto y Reina; from this marriage she has one daughter, Doña Casilda Prieto y Guerrero-Burgos. The Duchess of Cardona's maternal aunt was the well-known Doña Victoria Eugenia Fernández de Córdoba y Fernández de Henestrosa (1917-2013), XVIII Duquesa de Medinaceli, who counted among her children-in-law a Prince zu Hohenlohe-Langenburg and a Princess of Orléans-Bragança.


Don Rodrigo Moreno y Borbón-Dos Sicilias and Doña Casilda Ghisla Guerrero-Burgos y Fernández de Córdoba, Duquesa de Cardona, are fourth cousins. The couple both descend from Don Andrés Avelino de Arteaga y Carvajal Vargas (1807-1850), marqués de Valmediano, and his wife Doña Fernanda María de Silva-Bazán y Téllez-Girón (1808-1879).


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As we conclude this article about the historic union between Don Rodrigo Moreno y de Borbón-Dos Sicilias and Doña Casilda Ghisla Guerrero-Burgos y Fernández de Córdoba, XXI Duquesa de Cardona, we are reminded of the enduring connections between the royal houses of Europe. The marriage of these two noble families is a testament to the rich cultural and historical traditions that have shaped their families for centuries. The union of Don Rodrigo, a great-great-grandson of King Alfonso XII of Spain and Queen Maria Cristina, and Doña Casilda, a descendant of the powerful House of Medinaceli, highlights the ongoing bonds between these noble families and the significant role they play in preserving their respective heritages.

Family Ties and royal connections are at the heart of this marriage, as both families share a deep history and cultural heritage. The couple's shared ancestry includes Don Andrés Avelino de Arteaga y Carvajal Vargas and his wife Doña Fernanda María de Silva-Bazán y Téllez-Girón, making them fourth cousins. This familial connection underscores the long-standing relationships between these noble families and the significant role they play in preserving their respective heritages. As they begin their new life together, they will undoubtedly draw upon the wisdom and values of their ancestors to build a bright and prosperous future. The marriage of Don Rodrigo and Doña Casilda is a celebration of the rich cultural and historical traditions that have shaped their families for centuries, and it serves as a reminder of the enduring connections between the royal houses of Europe.

what are the key takeaways from the marriage of Don Rodrigo and Doña Casilda

The key takeaways from the marriage of Don Rodrigo Moreno y de Borbón-Dos Sicilias and Doña Casilda Ghisla Guerrero-Burgos y Fernández de Córdoba, XXI Duquesa de Cardona, are:
  1. Royal Lineage: The couple shares a rich royal heritage, with Don Rodrigo being a great-great-grandson of King Alfonso XII of Spain and Queen Maria Cristina, and Doña Casilda being a descendant of the powerful House of Medinaceli.
  2. Family Ties: The couple is fourth cousins, with their common ancestors including Don Andrés Avelino de Arteaga y Carvajal Vargas and his wife Doña Fernanda María de Silva-Bazán y Téllez-Girón.
  3. Historical Context: The marriage reflects the ongoing cultural and historical traditions that have shaped these royal families for centuries. It is a testament to the enduring bonds between these noble families and the significant role they play in preserving their respective heritages.
  4. Shared Ancestry: The couple's shared ancestry includes Don Andrés Avelino de Arteaga y Carvajal Vargas and his wife Doña Fernanda María de Silva-Bazán y Téllez-Girón, making them fourth cousins.
  5. Royal Connections: The marriage highlights the ongoing connections between the royal houses of Europe, with both families having strong ties to the royal families of Spain and other European nations.
These key takeaways highlight the significance of the marriage between Don Rodrigo and Doña Casilda, emphasizing their shared royal heritage, family ties, and historical context.

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